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Scaling Clean

Five Energy Stories Worth Reading Today (5/21/14)

by Lowell F. on 5/21/14 8:45 AM1 min. read

Here are five recommended reads for today (5/21/14)

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By Mark Sokolove, Executive Vice President of Tigercomm

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Five Energy Stories Worth Reading Today (5/12/14)

by Lowell F. on 5/12/14 8:04 AM2 min. read

Here are five recommended reads for today (5/12/14).

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This past September, Tigercomm President Mike Casey interviewed former “super lobbyist” Jack Abramoff. Whatever else you think about him, the fact is that Abramoff knew the business of Capitol Hill influence peddling inside-out. What Abramoff said to Casey was that the fossil fuel industry is deadly serious about this game, and that the clean energy industry needs to fully understand that. Case in point? A new analysis on The Great Energy Challenge blog by Bill Chameides, Dean of Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment. The key takeaways?

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Five Energy Stories Worth Reading Today (5/7/14)

by Lowell F. on 5/7/14 8:08 AM1 min. read

Here are five recommended reads for today (5/7/14).

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