ScalingClean - a blog for scaling the clean economy by Tigercomm

Fall conference season is here - where will you go?

Written by Melissa Baldwin, SVP | 9/19/22 7:08 PM

It’s been a tough couple of years on the conference scene, raising questions about what trade shows will look like post-pandemic. I have to say, though, that it feels like things are finally getting back to normal.

Industry trade shows have been an important part of clean energy marketing strategies for years. Companies can take advantage of multiple business development opportunities, whether it’s impressing with a killer booth, presenting from the stage, or securing valuable facetime with hot prospects. 

One thing worth noting: many cleantech trade shows are affiliated with either a trade association or a media outlet. I explore those connections and describe the slew of fall conferences coming up in more detail below.

September is chock full of activity, with three major climate and clean energy events occurring in the same week. 

RE+ (9/19-22) in Anaheim, Calif., is hosted by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA). Launched in 2004 and formerly known as Solar Power International (SPI), this is the first in-person gathering since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Tigercomm PR team is looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting clients in person for the first time. Drop me a line on LinkedIn if you will be there and want to connect. 

Climate Week NYC (9/19-25) bills itself as the biggest climate event on earth. This is the event’s 14th year, and it will bring together a host of corporations, climate activists, and policymakers. Expect lots of major corporates to outdo each other, announcing climate pledges and staking their sustainability claims. 

Joint International Clean Energy and Mission Innovation Ministerial (9/22-23) in Pittsburgh is a gathering of governments and policymakers who will discuss how to meet the goals set by the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP). They are calling it the first-ever Global Clean Energy Action Forum, a joint convening of the 13th Clean Energy Ministerial and the 7th Mission Innovation ministerial. 

Three major events in one week show the maturity of the climate solutions sector, with separate gatherings for different facets of the community: RE+ (clean economy businesses)  NYC’s Climate Week (citizens and activists) and Ministerial (global policymakers).

As if that’s not enough, there are even more clean energy events planned for October. 

On Oct. 4-5, the Solar & Storage Finance USA and Wind Finance & Investment Summit take place side-by-side in New York City. The shows are organized by London-based Solar Media, the publisher of industry trades PV Tech and Energy Storage News. Our client, CEO of Soluna Computing John Belizaire is speaking there to explain how green data centers offer an immediate solution to grid congestion problems. Solar Media’s events are a great venue to get the latest policy and finance updates. This year they are hosting their first US-based wind summit, with perfect timing to discuss how the IRA will impact tax policy and burgeoning offshore wind opportunities.

Speaking of offshore wind, the American Clean Power Association (ACP)— another major clean energy trade group— is hosting the Offshore WINDPOWER 2022 Conference from 18-19 October 2022 in Providence, Rhode Island. ACP also hosts CleanPower Summits in the winter, and spring. ACP shows have a heavy wind presence as ACP is an evolution of the The American Wind Energy Association.

Later in October is Verge 22 in San Jose, which brings together sustainability executives from major global corporations. This year’s conference, which runs Oct. 25-27, is special because it’s the first year that Verge is officially connected to the Clean Energy Buyers Association (CEBA). This is a great event for anyone seeking to connect with major corporates looking to procure clean energy to meet their sustainability goals. 

Not to be overlooked, the COP 27 will take place Nov. 6 through 18. This year, the United Nations’ climate change conference meets in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Environmental and energy ministers from around the world will gather to debate and discuss climate goals. This event tends to generate global attention, again with major announcements and climate pledges being made by nations and a heavy NGO presence. 

Looking ahead to 2023, we have another energy media outlet with its signature events.  Clarion Energy owns Renewable Energy World, a trade outlet catering to solar and storage developers. Clarion’s core event is Distributech International, occurring Feb. 7-9, 2023 in San Diego. Distributech covers transmission and distribution and is geared toward utilities and technology providers.

Clarion’s other major event is Power Gen, which occurs later that month on Feb. 21-23 in Orlando. That event is tied to Power Engineering, and both the outlet and the event have historically focused on traditional power plants — gas, coal, nuclear — and are now expanding to renewables and other energy innovations.

It's nice to be able to convene at events like these, and with the recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, clean energy technologies are on the verge of unprecedented growth. I hope to see you at a show, sometime soon.

Where are you planning to go this year?

What do you think the biggest cleantech shows are?