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Using a Product Launch as a Brand Builder

Trina Solar Case Study: 21 Stories in Trade Publications


After a European launch of its newest panel received minimal attention, the world’s largest panel maker wanted to showcase the product in the U.S. market. But Trina Solar faced an industry downturn and little perceived difference between competing manufacturers’ panels.


Design and execute a U.S. product launch plan, showcasing the new Trina Solar panel as lead component in company’s commitment to being a full-service provider.

  • Positioned panels as part of complete solution to highlight panel performance and easy-to-install features, as well as new service from Trina Solar to help companies with their panel installations 

  • Targeted and briefed a core group of influential industry reporters to break and frame the story, then used resulting coverage to build additional attention and media momentum
  • Media trained and staffed a new executive lead for briefing interviews

  • Used pre-packaged video to highlight the ease of installation, while we teamed with Trina Solar’s marketing team to develop a splash page and collateral


Boosted media coverage by converting the story from just another product launch to positioning of company as leading a sector change:

  • 21 stories in customer-facing trade publications, including: Renewable Energy Focus, Clean Energy Authority, Power Engineering, PV Tech, Solar Builder and Solar Industry magazine

  • Trina Solar’s stock increased 10% following day


Topics: Market Better

Shifting Solar Industry Coverage Away from the Negative Solyndra Story to a Positive Jobs Story

Challenge, Solution and Results: Media Attention for National Solar Jobs Census


When The Solar Foundation (TSF) released its second annual National Solar Jobs Census, it faced a number of challenges in getting media attention. TSF released the report in a crowded news environment, including the intense coverage of the high-profile Solyndra bankruptcy that had called clean-energy growth into question.

But not only did the solar industry need a positive new lift that the Census’s encouraging findings could provide, TSF needed reporters to understand its Census’s rigorous methodology so it could be seen as the emerging standard in tracking clean-energy jobs.


Tigercomm responded to the challenge by:

  • Working closely with TSF to identify the key findings in the Census to drive a simple, powerful message that solar jobs had doubled while fossil fuel jobs had shrunk amidst a weak economy

  • Developing a comprehensive, two-phase earned media strategy that centered on showing that, unlike Solyndra, the solar industry was growing American jobs. In the first phase, Tigercomm launched the preliminary topline figures of the solar jobs census at the height of the Solyndra aftermath in mid-September. In the second phase, TSF released the full census at the start of the Solar Power International 2011 (SPI) trade show and conference for maximum news attention

  • Providing a half-day media training to Andrea Luecke, The Solar Foundation's Executive Director

  • Pitching the census to a wide range of reporters who cover energy, employment and the national economy before, during and after the SPI conference. This included a series of advanced, embargoed briefings

  • Using an early taping of Andrea’s message at the Communicating Energy Lecture Series, sponsored by Tigercomm’s Scaling Green blog, to provide an online video release of the results to supplement initial coverage

  • Working with a broad set of state organizations to secure localized media coverage for state-specific job numbers. Local jobs census figures were included in stories in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oregon and Texas

  • Hosting a Scaling Green video booth at the TSF Census release party, at which industry influentials were interviewed about the Census results. The taped segments were distributed to interviewees for distribution on their online platforms, further spreading the word about the Census

  • Taking advantage of opportunities to insert the solar jobs census into other stories focused on the state of renewables in general, and solar in particular

  • Getting the word out on blogs like Huffington Post and the National Journal Energy & Environment Experts blog and creating an infographic which was picked up by CleanTechnica and other influential cleantech blogs

  • Securing broadcast interviews with E&E News - On Point, Renewable Energy World and WBUR (Boston)


TSF’s 2011 solar jobs census received widespread attention from major media outlets such as:

  •  National Public Radio
  • CNN
  • Fast Company
  • The New York Times 
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • US News & World Report
  • Huffington Post
  • Los Angeles Times
  • The Miami Herald, among others.
In total, the launch of the Census has generated 334 on-message news hits and re-postings, as well as tens of millions of impressions to date.





Getting Policymakers’ Attention

Challenge, Solution and Results: Joby Energy Reaching Policymakers

Challenge: Joby Energy was in the process of developing a visionary, high-altitude wind generation technology. The company was at a critical stage in its development. Founder and CEO JoeBen Bevirt sought government support for his cutting-edge technology, which requires restricted airspace within which to operate.

Joby Energy chose Tigercomm to help it educate federal legislators and regulatory agency officials about the game-changing energy potential of high-altitude wind.

JoeBen Bevirt Interviewed at the ARPA-E Summit

Tigercomm responded by:

  • Mapping the universe of government officials critical to the company’s success. Selecting and coordinating the work of a specialist government regulations firm to further Joby Energy’s business objectives

  • Developing the communications and legislative plan to engage those policy makers

  • Securing and staffing three briefing tours for JoeBen with decision makers at influential national media outlets, trade publications and research institutions – such as the Electric Power Research Institute

  • Preparing JoeBen for a presentation before the U.S. House Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus, including review of a slide deck and handouts to ensure message consistency

  • Reviewing and developing web content, while providing support and counsel in expanding the company’s online presence


JoeBen was interviewed by CleanSkiesTV, and Joby Energy's technology was mentioned in an E&E News' ClimateWire story on the airborne wind industry, among other relevant trade publications. We also arranged face-to-face meetings with leading national energy outlets including Platts and The Energy Daily to build awareness of the company and its technology.

"Tigercomm understands how to harness a company's assets to help it scale. They took the time to deeply understand my business, then crafted a message and a smart strategy focusing our communications on the audiences critical to our success."- JoeBen Bevirt, Joby Energy Founder and CEO




Topics: Community Acceptance

Helping Launch a Clean Economy Incubator

Challenge, Solution and Results: The Clean Economy Development Center

The Challenge: The Clean Economy Development Center is a non-profit clean economy incubator and a first-of-its-kind project that connects investors, construction trades and energy efficiency entrepreneurs. Its mission is to knock down market barriers and build demand for energy efficiency solutions. The Center has the additional challenge of explaining a

Helping a Solar Start Up Scale Globally

Challenge, Solution and Results: Cleantech Growth for Ausra 

The Challenge: With proven technology and fully integrated capabilities, Ausra was poised to deploy its equipment globally. In the capital-intensive power industry, cleantech start-up companies face customer concerns about finance growth and equipment performance guarantees. Ausra needed a strategic partner to finance and support its growth. In 2008, Ausra began

Breaking Through on an International Stage

Challenge, Solution and Results: Solar Energy Industries Association

Challenge: The solar industry used the December 2009 global warming treaty talks in Copenhagen to press the case for solar as a solution to climate change, the first time it did so at a United Nations sponsored event. Tigercomm's client, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) tasked Tigercomm with breaking through the fierce competition of more than 15,000 non-governmental organizations trying to get media attention at the contentious negotiations. We also had to navigate the logistical problem of communicating with an audience and reporters, that for the most part, were 4000 miles and five time zones from the conference.

Tigercomm responded to the challenge by:

Local Media Generation

Challenge, Solution and Results: Built Identity of SCHOTT in North America

Challenge: SCHOTT, a German-headquartered company, wanted to build the identity of its North American solar PV business unit as a strong business partner of the communities that host its manufacturing operations.

Landmark Federal Policy

Challenge, Solution and Results: Solar Energy Industries Association Solar Tax Credit Win

Challenge: In 2008, partisan gridlock in Congress had the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) facing an uphill climb in its effort to win a long-term extension of the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) – considered the most significant solar federal policy ever enacted.

Topics: Community Acceptance

Launching a Solar Power Plant

Challenge, Solution and Results: AREVA High-Profile Media Launch Event Success

Client: AREVA Solar

A Turning Point for the Solar Thermal Industry

Challenge, Solution and Results: Ausra First-Ever U.S. Manufacturing Facility Launch Success

The Challenge: Solar thermal energy industry leader Ausra was launching its first-ever U.S manufacturing facility. The company needed extensive local and national media coverage of the Las Vegas event to create a turning point for the solar thermal industry and open a gateway to subsequent projects.