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Public Affairs

Secure fair treatment from policymakers

Clean economy companies are typically building new sectors within industries dominated by mature incumbents unwilling to relinquish market share. Instead, they weaponize lobbying and political influence to block the growth of clean economy challengers.

Tigercomm team members have decades of communications experience defeating anti-clean energy interests in politics and government. We’ve helped client companies open or protect access to markets, disrupted underhanded tactics used by powerful incumbents, and secured fair and stable policies at the state and federal level.

PROCESS / Public Affairs

Success Story | Retail Energy Advancement League

An Entire State Market Saved for Clean Energy

As the Massachusetts legislature prepared to expand state commitments to climate progress, it also considered banning retail sales of 100% clean energy – effectively pushing Bay Staters back into the arms of incumbent, monopoly utilities. Several retailers formed the Retail Energy Advancement League (REAL), but were hampered by differences on messaging and how much risk to take. The ban was backed by the popular, then-Attorney General Maura Healey (who led the race for governor by 44 points). A combined tens of millions in sales was at severe risk for nearly a dozen retailers.

Read the full story

Sample Clients

Real Renew Financial Special Initiative on Offshore Wind A Renewable America


“When incumbent sectors mounted aggressive efforts to shut down entire markets for us, Tigercomm designed and executed the strategy that kept them open. They are clean economy’s chess masters.”
Colin Bishopp Vice President, Communications and Government Relations, Renew Financial

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Whatever the engagement, we design our work to meet goals, overcome barriers and produce results.

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