Success Story | Marketing Communications
Boosting Company Sales Price by $50M
We designed and ran a day-long media event launching the project’s operations that worked around the project’s remote location – 19 miles north of Bakersfield, California. Tigercomm used the company’s leadership and original analysis to brief Bakersfield-area media, leading to pre-event coverage that we flipped onto the national Associated Press wire service. That attention helped us cement event participation by then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as well as Bloomberg television.
Utility-scale solar project developer Ausra grew as a company backed by two of the biggest names in venture capital: Khosla Ventures and Kleiner-Perkins. The investors wanted to get the company acquired. Tigercomm had been Ausra’s agency of record for three years, helping the company generate a spate of national business media. Tigercomm was asked to help cap this run with a strategic communications plan for Ausra’s flagship project, which would come online during negotiations with several potential buyers.
- Opening of the Kimberlina Solar Thermal Power Plant won nearly 30 stories in both national and local media.
- Our communications during final negotiations with prospective buyers created pressure that led to an estimated $50M in the final sales price.
- Ausra’s acquisition by French nuclear giant, AREVA, garnered national and international coverage.
Featured Coverage
Kimberlina Solar Thermal Power Plant:
- Ausra’s first solar thermal plant starts up | VentureBeat
- Large solar energy plant opens near Bakersfield Solar thermal energy technologies make major strides
AREVA Acquires Ausra
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